Monday, September 29, 2014

Spring cleaning we throw out the old....?

Winter is over and I was excited to see that my three baby fish survived as you read in my summer pond blog.  What I didn't tell you was the sad mishap that we had.

I have a large fenced in yard with all the neighbor's trees leaning over the fence.  Every year I have around 33 of those brown lawn and leaf bags full when I am done raking.  So in the spring there is still a lot of leaves especially IN the pond.  So part of spring cleaning the pond is to clean out the leaves.  This can be tricky when you have 
three baby fish no larger than 3 inches each.

My daughter and I carefully used nets to pull out the leaves from the pond and with each scoop we watched for movement cause every so often, we'd snag a fish.  The big ones are easy to see in the net cause they flip flop really hard.  We were so careful.  When we were done with the pond and the yard we had another 10 bags full. 

Ok, now to empty and clean the pond.  We counted heads- 4 big ones yup, then one,,two uh oh - only 2 babies.  One got thrown out with the leaves.  My daughter and I all sweaty and dirty, looked at those 10 full bags- looked at each other and said a prayer for the baby fish.

The surviving 2 went on to survive another winter in our new little home- with NO TREES!!
jewelry and more by kat

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